This was super informative yet easy to digest. I love your delivery style. My biggest takeaway has been your suggestion to visit Costco and examine the kinds of oils they sell since most restaurants use these. This has been an eye-opener since even if you are doing your best at home, you can still consume it in restaurant/takeout foods, which I'm guilty of purchasing. Thank you so much for bringing this to my awareness.

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Hey Claudia, thank you for listening. I am glad the Costco adventure resonated with you. I had no idea what restaurants used. I learned that many restaurants use these types of oils. I am trying to go a whole year without seed oils and it has been a bit tough at restaurants. I try to order something like fish or chicken that can be grilled -- it is still going to have some but not as much as say a fried piece of fish or chicken. What oils are you going to use now that you know?

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Yay, a radio hit! I'm a sucker for traditional radio :) :) And combined with Substack...chef's kiss! Also I really like that you decided to take January off to prepare for the rest of the year. Great example to set.

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Thank you Sheridan. I was dealing with some after-emotions of my father passing and just needed to deal with that and regroup! Your words mean so much. I had my own morning radio show out of Tampa Florida and it was too much! Plus I felt like I am screaming to a big audience. Whereas if I have a podcast then I am talking to my people. I was going to change the format but I think people like this format. Love your words "And combined with Substack...chef's kiss!-- ❤️❤️" thank you!

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I always try to remember there’s often no need to force ourselves to avoid rest when we need it, especially during times of loss or other experiences of distress. Also, I love how you say you’re focusing on “talking to your people” instead of screaming at a big audience. That’s such a powerful shift.

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Thank you Sheridan it has been most helpful.

Re; shouting vrs people — my husband watches TV and I found that the commercials always sounded like they were shouting. And then I realized that was what I was doing with the radio show. Podcasting seems more natural.

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Oof yes you’re so right, commercials really do sound like they’re shouting at the viewer.

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Very interesting and very well explained. Thank you Karen

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Thank you Sue, were you using any of the oils?

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No Karen. I have to be really careful as I get allergies unfortunately. It puts me off using anything new or changing anything.

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Good to hear you are not using any of these oils as they can also contribute to allergies because they wreak havock on the gut!

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Thank you. Me too!

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Oh I am sorry to hear that. You are in AZ right? There are allergist who work with specific Southwest triggers. Or, if you want a more natural approach or help with other allergies, If you are open to a more natural approach Geoffrey Radoff (MD). There is so much that can be done for allergies in general

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I am in the UK.

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Ohhh I am sorry, for some reason I thought you were in AZ.. I get it now. Sometimes I am a bit daft (by nature). Well, the same applies. I am in a couple of groups with medical and naturopathic doctors from the UK (I take trainings through the UK) -- you will be quite surprised how much they can really help you.

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Great explanation of the oil processing that manufacturers use. Canola oil in too big an amount really gives me trouble and let’s just say the system gets lubed up and goes into high gear!

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Yes, the residue of the processing can have that effect. Glad you figured it out Tim. What oil did you swap out for?

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I use butter or olive oil

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Love this Tim! For cooking you can use Ghee sometimes called clarified butter — it is really good for high heat

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For some things, just a little bit of water is enough too

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can I just say that I love your innovative way to bring information across?! also love your speaking voice, so calm and entertaining at the same time!

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Thank you Claudia. I have been here this last month behind the scenes having a hard time trying to fgiure out how to start my new podcast and I appreciate your words. I also took some time to take a look at my numbers - and I am surprised at the amount of downloads. So, I think the Universe and people like you saying you like the format — I think I am going to keep the same format. Finally I can start recording now. Thank you

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