Heck yeah.

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Thank you Michelle 😁 Is it a favourite of yours too?

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Sounds delicious, I wish I liked pasta, homemade of course, however since I have never made it with freshly ground flour it may be a possibility. I will let you know if I make it.

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Sorghum grain is gluten-free. Very easy to work with and taste great.

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HI Carolyn, I wish I didn't like pasta! Life would be easier. There is another pasta that I use but I forgot I had it. I think its Capellano - something like that. It is in the refrigerator or freezer section. That is the closest I have gotten to homemade pasta. I bet with your talents on grinding and milling your own flour and (can you ferment pasta?) It would taste out of this world!!!!

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I will mill some sorghum (g-f) [I am out and will have to order some more sorghum grain], and see what happens and will let you know.

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Sorghum flour sounds intriguing. Why sorghum? Is it easier to work with. And I can’t wait to see what you come up with.

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