🎧How to use affirmations
Can affirmations help and what is the best way to use affirmations along with examples of affirmations to get you started.
A little catch up here, I have a special offer for the month of July, if you enjoyed June’s freebies, I have more to come. In fact, we are going to explore the following topics so that when January Hits (yes it’s coming) you will be cleared, purged, affirmed and ready to leap into action. We will be covering;
Believing in Yourself
Developing Powerful Intuition
Declutter Your Spirit and Consciousness
Reflection, reinvention and confidence
So, if you would like to really work on you for the rest of the year, I am offering 50% off for the rest of the year. (limited time offer expires July 31)
Want to follow along from the begining on my RV adventure? Check out Planes Trains and Rving
Last week’s article Introduction to Affirmations we covered understanding quantum principles and why affirmations work with some studies to back it up. I also included my journey with affirmations and how they had a profound effect on my life and health and lead me to where I am today.
This week let’s discuss what affirmations, are they affective, what is the best way to use affirmations and then wrap up with examples of affirmations.
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What are affirmations
Affirmations are phrases you can say aloud or even just repeat to yourself silently. Affirmations can be written down and made visible as a reminder. Last week, I shared my story about Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life. I took one of her affirmations framed it and placed it on the shelf in my bathroom to recite every time I saw it. There are a ton of ways you can use affirmations. You can even record your affirmation and play it back to yourself at any time. The key is to be consistent and genuine in your practice, as the effectiveness of affirmations largely depends on your commitment and your willingness to experience in the power.
Are affirmations affective
I purposely left out the words “positive affirmations” to illustrate the effectiveness of affirmations. Was there a time in your life where someone said something to you that was negative and you still repeat it to this day? I’ll give you a personal example. I grew up with an abusive Father. From as young as I can remember I was called a klutz and a moron. Any time something did not go right I would call myself a moron. Every time I tripped or did something that caused a scene, I would call myself a klutz. And, this happened often. I was constantly affirming well into my young adulthood these two phrases even though my father